Wednesday, April 11, 2012

May 7th Les Mill's Pump Challenge Starting

I have a challenge group starting on May 7th. This group is a facebook group and it is private, so that no one can see what any of us puts in this group. A group like this is what got me started on my challenge and kept me accountable and helped me reach my first mini goal.

You check into the group everyday and tell us what you did for exercise and how you ate that day. You ask any questions you may have or vent about any part of the workout or celebrate any results you see in this little group.

In order to get into this group, I need to you join me on Go on there and click take the challenge and sign up for the beachbody challenge. This will also put me as your coach and allow me to help you reach more goals. (If you are already a beachbody member send an email to and request me as your coach my name is kovalovich member id 136180) Once you have done this email me at or friend me on facebook AlexisCheneyKovalovich and I will get you added to the group.

I will be putting everyone in the group a week before the start date. If you order the Les Mill's challange pack I will send you the lifting gloves that will help protect your hands while you are working out. Email me and let me know your size s, m, or l.

Hope everyone is having an amazing day!

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