Friday, June 29, 2012

What's my transformation story????

I know I should have started my blog with this, but I truly had to think about it. I don't want to forget details and I want you to know the real me and how much I hurt and went into my shell before I was able to stand tall. Here it goes.
When did my transformation begin?? I have to say my transformation has been starting over and over again since my car accident December 7, 2007. On that day I was in a very depressed place, my husband was in Iraq and I was for sure I’d never see him again. I was trying to sell our house because we needed to move if he returned (we got orders to New Mexico from Colorado Springs). And I was at least 30 pounds overweight and I had never ever been this heavy, if the husband did comeback he was not going to want me, I was sure of it. Then BOOM, a guy runs a stop sign and t-bones my vehicle and due to the ice he bounced and spun and hit me 2 more times. When I was able to step out of the vehicle (THANK MY LUCK STARS, that I was able to step out) I started to cry and pray and say I am so sorry that I have not been beliving in myself all this time and thank you for sparing me and I made that famous deal that I was going to take control of my life.

I did my physical therapy every day (man that stuff can get your core in amazing shape) and I ordered Yoga Booty Ballet (I had a torn rotator cuff and this set worked good with this injury) and I did this set every day for the next four months, until my husband returned. Yay, he really returned!! And I was down the 30 pounds. I was in size 8 pants and was able to wear the cutest clothes to pick him up from the airport. And a month later, I find out I am pregnant with my son. YAY, but boooooo because after I had him I was back where I started a bit depressed and tired from a new baby, husband deployed again, and I am 30 pounds overweight from having a baby. Blahhhh.. HA.. Only this time it didn’t take an accident for me to realize snap out of it woman.

So in 2009, I did my yoga booty ballet again and hit the base gym hardcore. I got with a friend and we lifted weights everyday together until our husbands returned. I had done it again, I was in amazing shape and the hubby returned and bam I am pregnant with my third and last (I swear last) child. And in 2010 I have her and I am now in horrible health situation. My weight is horrible, I have diabetes from pregnancy, post-eclampsia from pregnancy and I can’t stand for very long or things go blury and I have a major migraine for 2 complete weeks. It was horrible!! All of these symptoms stayed with me for half a year after she was born and now I am depressed that I didn’t get to bounce back after the pregnancy and how am I going to be able to help my kids or am even going to be around for them as they grow??? All these questions have turned me into a severe anxiety person and I become afraid to leave the house or something is going to happen to me.

So it’s now July of 2011 and I see Insanity on TV and I chat with a girlfriend that is doing it. So I order it and it sits on my shelf for another month. Then I get on TBB message boards and I start to type stuff about how sad I am and how I really really want to get back into shape and get better mentally. And I got an email from my now coach telling me she was so sorry to hear about my problems but that she would so listen to me and help push me to meet these goals, if I really wanted her to. I jumped on her offer, but it was not until October when she started a challenge group that I signed on and opened the dvds and started pushing play. 2 weeks in and I am down 8 pounds and have lost 2 inches on my waist and 2 inches on my hips and an inch on my thighs and an inch on my arms. And BEST PART (drum roll please) my anxiety is at an all time low and I am not taking any meds. I can go out and talk to people and I can take the kids to playdates and I can go out and eat with my family. And I can now pass on my knowledge to others to push them to keep pushing play and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, I know I see it now!!
It is now June 2012 and I am just inches from my goals. I have hit my goal on measurements for my waist, thighs, and chest. I am 1 inch from my hips goal and 1 inch from my arms goal. I still have about 10 more pounds to melt off, but this lifestyle change I am sure I will hit that goal soon.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Breakfast today.

I didn't get much sleep last night. That made it really hard to find any energy to roll out of bed at all, let alone to push play. I decided this morning was a day to have the energy and endurance drink!! I had this about 20 min before doing TurboFire's Fire 30. WHOOOAAAAA, I was running through this workout and I still had energy to clean and take the kids to a 3 hour playdate. YAY!! I followed up my workout with my favorite Shakeology Recipe. You take half a banana, 1 tbsp of peanut butter (I use pb2, it's a powdered peanut butter) and 1 scoop of chocolate shakology. Heaven in a cup!! And I am a stay at home mom and being home all day makes me want to snack all day, unless I have had my shakeology and then I honestly do not snack at all. I love it!!!

Hope your day is amazing!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

P90X 90-Day Challenge Rules

Here are the rules:

1.     You must have an account on and Alexis must be your coach. If you haven't made an account, you may do so by going to and clicking "join." A basic free membership will do. If you are a member and have a different coach, please email and ask them to set your coach as LexisLNMachines, coach ID 136180 Thank you!  

2.     Challenge packs aren't required, but having Shakeology in your court does help. If you need/want a challenge pack, check 'em out here: Challenge packs get you a 30 day supply of Shakeology, the P90X program and 30 days VIP access to the message boards where you can get free workouts, a meal planner and you get in on live chats with the trainers which is pretty sweet.

3.     P90X by itself can be purchased here:

4.     ACCOUNTABILITY IS MANDATORY! This challenge is centered in my Facebook group which is secret so your friends can't see your posts or even that you're in there. Post about what you ate, what you wish you could have ate, how your workout went, any struggles or questions you have with diet or exercise. Just make sure you check in EVERY SINGLE DAY! This is how we stay on track and the support we can give each other is one of the best motivational tools you can get.

5.     Nutrition is half of this! Make sure you break open the nutrition guide and calculate your calories!

6.     Keep track of what you eat! You bite it? You write it! That goes for what you drink too.

7.     Take a before pic! When you're done with the 60 days, submit that pic with your after photo to the Beachbody Challenge and you get a free t-shirt. Your before pic is a great motivational tool. Especially if you put it in places where you're forced to look at it. Don't want to workout? Look at yourself in your underwear. It works!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Insanity 60-day Challenge Rules

Here are the rules: 

1.     You must have an account on and Alexis must be your coach. If you haven't made an account, you may do so by going to and clicking "join." A basic free membership will do. If you are a member and have a different coach, please email and ask them to set your coach as LexisLNMachines, coach ID 136180 Thank you!

2.     Challenge packs aren't required, but having Shakeology in your court does help. If you need/want a challenge pack, check 'em out here: Challenge packs get you a 30 day supply of Shakeology, the Les Mills Pump program and 30 days VIP access to the message boards where you can get free workouts, a meal planner and you get in on live chats with the trainers which is pretty sweet.

3.     Insanity by itself can be purchased here:

4.     ACCOUNTABILITY IS MANDATORY! This challenge is centered in my Facebook group which is secret so your friends can't see your posts or even that you're in there. Post about what you ate, what you wish you could have ate, how your workout went, any struggles or questions you have with diet or exercise. Just make sure you check in EVERY SINGLE DAY! This is how we stay on track and the support we can give each other is one of the best motivational tools you can get.

5.     Nutrition is half of this! Make sure you break open the nutrition guide and calculate your calories!

6.     Keep track of what you eat! You bite it? You write it! That goes for what you drink too.

7.     Take a before pic! When you're done with the 60 days, submit that pic with your after photo to the Beachbody Challenge and you get a free t-shirt. Your before pic is a great motivational tool. Especially if you put it in places where you're forced to look at it. Don't want to workout? Look at yourself in your underwear. It works!!!

Monday, June 4, 2012


What a great start to the day!!! I hopped on the scale and no change in weight (which yes, I want to see it go down, but it didn't go UP!!! YAY!!). I measured and my measurements went down in a lot of areas. I got the bodyfat percentage done for me and I thought I was way up there but I am at 8.52% I can handle that!! YAY!!!

Oh, the best part for the last. I had on a workout tank-top and the husband came around the corner (I wasn't working out nor had I started yet) and he says hmm, your arms are looking bigger. I said, hey now I am working on them (thinking he was being smart a@@ that he loves to be telling me to work harder). And he says, I know I can see it is showing in your arms. AAAHHHHHHHH YEAH BABY, he noticed an improvement!! That was the best part of my morning. I know I am doing this for myself but to hear him say something like that has sent me over the moon! So off to push play on TurboFire HIIT 25, I go!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Eat 4 your blood type????

Ok, so one of my upline coaches mentioned to research your blood type because that can have a lot to do with your diet/weight loss and/or gain and even health issues. I have to admit, I was intrigued yet I was a bit standoffish to believe this. So I asked a friend of mine (who has a very very open mind and is very full of knowledge) and she said of course, Lexi, you must read the book, "Eat right 4 your blood type."

She brought me a copy of the book yesterday and I can say that I completely read the chapter on my blood type which is Type O. And I am a now a firm believer in this. I know, I haven't tried the diet that it suggests I do yet, but it talks about you as a person and what a person with Type O blood may be like or situations that may happen with you. Like with me certain foods that they name off completely affect my stomach and make me feel horrible and it gives you ways to make it feel better or tells you why these foods do not work for a person with this blood type. Also talks about your attitude and how you deal with stress and so on. Now I know reading what I am typing you may frown and say Lexi, anyone could have these issues. And yes you are correct anyone could, but if you pick up the book and read the chapter with your blood type, I truly think you will follow me on this and at least give the diet for your blood type a try.

So that leads me to my new nutrition plan the next month. I am going to follow the book to a T and see if I can't jump start more of this weight loss and tone up a bit more. The book even gives you the right exercises for your blood type and how many servings a week you should have of certain foods and such.

Again, I know not for everyone, but I am going to give it a try and see if this has been a problem that I have been struggling with for awhile.