What a great start to the day!!! I hopped on the scale and no change in weight (which yes, I want to see it go down, but it didn't go UP!!! YAY!!). I measured and my measurements went down in a lot of areas. I got the bodyfat percentage done for me and I thought I was way up there but I am at 8.52% I can handle that!! YAY!!!
Oh, the best part for the last. I had on a workout tank-top and the husband came around the corner (I wasn't working out nor had I started yet) and he says hmm, your arms are looking bigger. I said, hey now I am working on them (thinking he was being smart a@@ that he loves to be telling me to work harder). And he says, I know I can see it is showing in your arms. AAAHHHHHHHH YEAH BABY, he noticed an improvement!! That was the best part of my morning. I know I am doing this for myself but to hear him say something like that has sent me over the moon! So off to push play on TurboFire HIIT 25, I go!!
Great News!